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Wednesday, September 20, 2023 4:51 PM

The Sargent Legacy Fund




  1. What’s your age, occupation, family information (spouse name and number of children)


    BK Muvvala, a dedicated family man who is 56 years of age, with a vision for a brighter future. As a happily married man, he cherishes the unwavering support of his beautiful wife, Raji Muvvala, who excels as an IT QA Engineer at BMI. Together, they take pride in nurturing their two sons, each pursuing their dreams.

    The elder son, Dr. Mohan Muvvala, stands as a testament to BK's commitment to education and entrepreneurship. As a doctor and entrepreneur, Dr. Mohan exemplifies the values instilled in him by his father.

    The younger son, Madhav BK, currently in the tenth grade, aspires to become a doctor, inspired by the compassion and determination shown by his family.

    BK Muvvala is a successful entrepreneur, a compassionate leader, a dedicated servant, a candidate who has experience in running businesses, nonprofits, and volunteer organizations. BK Muvvala is the most eligible candidate that Franklin City deserve as a leader and a visionary who listens to the people, works for people’s best interests and is capable of bringing a positive difference in Franklin City community


  2. How long have you been a resident of Franklin? If you moved here where are you originally from?

    BK Muvvala is a resident of Franklin City since January 1st of 2011, for about 13 years, as of now

    Moved from California, but born in Bangalore, India


  3. Describe your involvement with the community.






  4. Why are you running for Alderman?

    BK Muvvala is a successful entrepreneur, a compassionate leader, a dedicated servant, a candidate who has experience in running businesses, nonprofits, and volunteer organizations. BK Muvvala is the most eligible candidate that Franklin City deserve as a leader and a visionary who listens to the people, works for people’s best interests and is capable of bringing a positive difference in Franklin City community

    BK Muvvala has a dream, a belief, and a big picture for Franklin inspired by Franklinites. He wants to serve, embrace, and uplift the Franklin community .BK wants to address the challenges of sewage, flooding, clean drinking water, preservation, sustainability growth, transportation, and traffic congestion. BK will work with BOMA and state to offer incentives, tax breaks, relax zoning rules, engage big tech, clean and big businesses, and revitalize neighborhoods



  5. What are the three (3) biggest issues facing Franklin?


    BK Muvvala:

    1. Growth and Development: Franklin has experienced significant growth, which brings challenges related to infrastructure, housing affordability, and preserving local character.

    Proposed Solutions: I favor development policies that ensure sustainable growth while protecting property rights. I also advocate for minimal regulatory burdens on businesses and developments to encourage economic prosperity, balanced with the preservation of Franklin's historic character.


    2. Taxes and Budgeting:  As with many locales, the fiscal health of the local government, tax rates, and how taxpayer money is spent are perennial concerns.

    Proposed Solutions: I favor efficient government spending, reducing waste, and avoiding tax hikes. I will advocate for periodic reviews of municipal expenses to ensure that taxpayer money is being used wisely and for essential services.


    3. Public Safety and Law Enforcement: Ensuring that residents feel safe and that law enforcement is supported can be a priority.

    Proposed Solutions: I support strong backing for police departments, with an emphasis on community policing, good training, and ensuring departments have the resources they need. I also emphasize policies that deter crime and support victims.



  6. Do you think Franklin should pursue a strategy of slow growth? Why or why not?


    Whether or not Franklin should pursue a strategy of slow growth is a complex question with no easy answer. There are both pros and cons to consider.

    Pros of slow growth:

    • A slower pace of growth can help to preserve the city's character and charm.
    • It can also help to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.
    • Slow growth can also help to protect the environment by limiting the amount of development that takes place.
    • It can also help to ensure that the city has the necessary infrastructure in place to support its population, such as roads, schools, and hospitals.

    Cons of slow growth:


    • A slower pace of growth can lead to economic stagnation.
    • It can also make it more difficult to attract new businesses and residents.
    • Slow growth can also lead to a decline in the tax base, which can make it difficult for the city to provide essential services.


    Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to pursue a strategy of slow growth is a matter of community values. I believe that it is important to preserve the city's character and charm, while balancing economic growth, too.



  7. What role does Franklin have in alleviating traffic problems in Williamson County?


    Franklin is a major city in Williamson County, Tennessee. It is located just south of Nashville and is a popular destination for both residents and tourists. As a result, Franklin experiences significant traffic congestion, especially during peak hours.

    The city of Franklin has a number of initiatives in place to alleviate traffic problems. These include:

  • A slower pace of growth can help to preserve the city's character and charm.
  • It can also help to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.
  • Slow growth can also help to protect the environment by limiting the amount of development that takes place.
  • It can also help to ensure that the city has the necessary infrastructure in place to support its population, such as roads, schools, and hospitals.


    Cons of slow growth:


  • A slower pace of growth can lead to economic stagnation.
  • It can also make it more difficult to attract new businesses and residents.
  • Slow growth can also lead to a decline in the tax base, which can make it difficult for the city to provide essential services.


    Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to pursue a strategy of slow growth is a matter of community values. I believe that it is important to preserve the city's character and charm, while balancing economic growth, too.

  • Expanding and improving the road network: The city is currently in the process of widening and adding lanes to several major roads, including Franklin Road and Columbia Pike.
  • Investing in public transportation: The city operates a bus system that provides service to major destinations throughout the county.
  • Promoting alternative transportation options: The city encourages residents to walk, bike, or carpool to work.
  • Working with other jurisdictions: The city collaborates with other governments in the county to address regional traffic problems.

    These initiatives have had some success in reducing traffic congestion, but the problem remains a major challenge for the city. As Franklin continues to grow, it is important to find new and innovative ways to manage traffic.

    Here are some additional things that Franklin can do to alleviate traffic problems:

    • Implement a congestion pricing system: This would charge drivers a fee to enter certain areas during peak hours.
    • Encourage telecommuting: This would allow employees to work from home, which would reduce the number of cars on the road.
    • Build more parking garages: This would provide more space for people to park their cars, which would reduce traffic congestion.
    • Improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure: This would make it easier for people to walk or bike to their destinations, which would reduce traffic congestion.
    • The best way to alleviate traffic problems in Franklin is to use a combination of these approaches. By taking a comprehensive approach, the city can make a significant difference in improving the flow of traffic.


    1. What areas should see increased cooperation with Williamson County or other cities in Williamson County?


There are many areas where Franklin could see increased cooperation with Williamson County or other cities in Williamson County. Here are a few ideas:

  • Economic development: Franklin and Williamson County could work together to attract new businesses and jobs to the area. This could be done by sharing resources, marketing the area together, and streamlining the permitting process.
  • Transportation: Franklin and Williamson County could work together to improve transportation options. This could include expanding public transportation, improving road infrastructure, and developing more walkable and bikeable communities.
  • Education: Franklin and Williamson County could work together to improve education. This could include sharing resources, coordinating curriculum, and providing more opportunities for students to learn outside of the classroom.
  • Public safety: Franklin and Williamson County could work together to improve public safety. This could include sharing resources, coordinating law enforcement efforts, and developing a regional plan for emergency management.
  • Environmental protection: Franklin and Williamson County could work together to protect the environment. This could include sharing resources, developing a regional plan for sustainability, and working to reduce pollution.
  • These are just a few ideas for areas where Franklin could see increased cooperation with Williamson County or other cities in Williamson County. By working together, these communities can make a positive impact on the lives of their residents and businesses.

    Here are some specific examples of how Franklin and Williamson County could cooperate in these areas:

  • Economic development: The cities could jointly market the area to potential businesses, share resources such as workforce development programs, and streamline the permitting process.
  • Transportation: The cities could work together to expand public transportation, improve road infrastructure, and develop more walkable and bikeable communities.
  • Education: The cities could share resources such as teachers and facilities, coordinate curriculum, and provide more opportunities for students to learn outside of the classroom.
  • Public safety: The cities could share resources such as police and fire departments, coordinate law enforcement efforts, and develop a regional plan for emergency management.
  • Environmental protection: The cities could share resources such as environmental scientists and engineers develop a regional plan for sustainability, and work to reduce pollution.

    By working together, Franklin and Williamson County can make the region a more attractive place to live, work, and raise a family. They can also improve the quality of life for all residents and businesses.


    9. Do you believe the Urban Growth Boundary accurately reflects the expected growth of Franklin over the next 5 years? How would you change it, if you could?


    The Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) is a defined area beyond the city limits in which the City of Franklin could grow into overtime. It is designed to help manage growth and protect the environment.

    The UGB for Franklin is several years old document, which needs an update, since then, the city has experienced significant growth. In the past 5 years, the population of Franklin has increased by over 20%. It is difficult to say whether the UGB accurately reflects the expected growth of Franklin over the next 5 years. There are a number of factors that could affect growth, such as the economy, the availability of jobs, and the cost of housing.

    If I could change the UGB, I would focus on the following:


  • Protecting the environment: The UGB should be designed to protect the city's natural resources, such as its greenspace and waterways.
  • Providing for affordable housing: The UGB should be designed to ensure that there is a mix of housing options available, including affordable housing.
  • Encouraging walkability and bikeability: The UGB should be designed to promote walkability and bikeability, which can help reduce traffic congestion.
  • Connecting to regional transportation: The UGB should be designed to connect to regional transportation, such as light rail and bus service.


    By making these changes, the UGB can help to ensure that Franklin's growth is sustainable and beneficial for all residents.


  • Here are some specific changes that could be made to the UGB:
  • The UGB could be expanded to include more land for parks and open space.
  • The UGB could be made more compact to encourage walkability and bikeability.
  • The UGB could be linked to regional transportation systems to make it easier for people to get around without a car.
  • The UGB could be designed to protect sensitive environmental areas, such as wetlands and greenspace.


These are just a few ideas for how the UGB could be changed. The best way to change the UGB is to have a public discussion and debate about the issue. By working together, we can create a UGB that is best for Franklin and its residents.


Sunday, September 17, 2023 5:39 PM

Williamson Herald Candidate Profile

Williamson Herald Candidate Profile

Thank you for running for office to serve the city of Franklin, which represents much of our readership.

We would like to get to know more about you and your candidacy for the position of alderman.

Please answer the questions below for our candidate profiles featured in the Williamson Herald.

Candidate profiles will be published in the September 28 and October 5 editions of the

Williamson Herald and also included in our online edition.

Please email your answers to and

by Monday, September 25th.

Please include a headshot in an electronic JPEG format with your profile. If you would rather send your photo by mail or drop off your profile in person, you can stop by our office at 1117 Columbia Avenue, Suite A in Franklin.

We are glad to take a photograph for you upon request, or use one that we already have on file.

Please limit answers for each question to about 75 words. Please note each response will be edited if needed due to space for the print edition. Thank you for your participation.

Name as it appears on the ballot: BK Muvvala


Office being sought: Alderman at Large


Address: 510 Elk Hollow CT Franklin TN 37069


Age (optional):


Occupation: Entrepreneur


BK Muvvala is a devoted family man. He's happily married to Raji Muvvala, who excels as an IT QA Engineer at BMI. They take pride in nurturing their two sons: Dr. Mohan Muvvala, a doctor and entrepreneur, and Madhav BK, an aspiring doctor in the tenth grade. BK's commitment to education and entrepreneurship shines through his elder son's success and inspires his younger son's aspirations.


Community Activities (church, civic, etc.):

Have you ever held public office? If so, for what office and period of time?

I have not held any public office but headed and is heading nonprofit organizations

1. Why did you decide to seek the office of alderman?

BK Muvvala is the ideal leader for Franklin City, dedicated to the community's well-being. With a vision inspired by Franklinites, he aims to tackle mental health, transportation, traffic, sewage, flooding, clean water, preservation, sustainability, and sidewalks. BK plans to collaborate with BOMA and the state, providing incentives, tax breaks, zoning flexibility, and engaging tech and businesses to revitalize neighborhoods and drive positive change. He's the leader Franklin City needs.

2. What do you feel are the three most pertinent issues facing Franklin that you would most like to address if you are chosen as alderman?


  1. Mental Health: In Franklin City, TN, I'll combat mental health challenges by reducing stigma, expanding access to care, supporting school programs, and crisis services. Collaborating with stakeholders and local providers, I'll prioritize mental health to enhance community well-being.


  2. Traffic Congestion & Safety: To address the growing transportation demand, I'll promote smart solutions for traffic flow, safety, and alternative transport like walking, biking, and public transit.


  3. Growth & Development: I support sustainable growth, housing affordability, and preserving local character while minimizing business regulations to foster economic prosperity and preserve Franklin's history.


3. As Franklin grows, the city’s needs become more complex. Housing and land prices are rising and there is a shortage of workforce housing. Do you think this is an issue? How would you address it?

Addressing rising housing and land prices and the shortage of workforce housing in Franklin City is a priority for me as Alderman at Large. I will pursue a comprehensive approach, including strategies like Upzoning, incentivizing affordable housing, protecting existing options, and encouraging mixed-use development. Multifamily housing is a key element in creating more affordable living opportunities, reducing congestion, and improving air quality. I am dedicated to implementing these strategies to make Franklin more affordable for all residents, as multifamily housing helps increase supply and provides affordable options near work and amenities quickly and efficiently.

4. As Franklin’s population continues to increase, “smart growth” is a hot topic, and some variation

of the phrase is included in almost every candidate’s platform. What does “smart growth” mean to you?

.What specific strategies would you employ to achieve smart growth?

Smart growth is vital for Franklin City's future, focusing on sustainability, livability, and equity. It entails compact development to reduce sprawl, promoting walkability, cycling, and public transit. Mixed-use development combines housing, businesses, and amenities for convenience. Preserving open spaces like parks and wetlands enhances air and water quality and provides recreational opportunities.

To achieve smart growth, I'll update zoning codes, invest in public transportation and infrastructure, preserve open space, encourage infill development, and support affordable housing. Creating a smart growth plan, engaging the community, educating residents, and seeking state and federal funding will be crucial in realizing these goals. I'm dedicated to making Franklin City sustainable, livable, and equitable for all.

5. Traffic is becoming a big problem in Franklin. How would you address transportation as the city grows?

 As Franklin City expands, traffic congestion is a growing concern. To alleviate this issue and enhance transportation options, I'll collaborate with authorities and officials to implement smart traffic control systems. This includes adaptive traffic signal control (ATSC), connected vehicle technology (CVT), and automated vehicle technology (AVT) to improve traffic flow and safety. Additionally, I'll invest in public transportation, enhance pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure, promote carpooling and telecommuting, and engage the community in adopting these solutions for a more livable and sustainable Franklin City.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023 8:55 AM





Candidate name

BK Muvvala


Any URLs (campaign website, social media) you’d

like to share?


Tell us about yourself, your community involvement, and why you are running for municipal office in Franklin.

Meet BK Muvvala, a dedicated family man with a vision for a brighter future. As a happily married man,

he cherishes the unwavering support of his beautiful wife, Raji Muvvala, who excels as an IT QA Engineer at BMI. Together, they take pride in nurturing their two sons, each pursuing their dreams.

The elder son, Dr. Mohan Muvvala, stands as a testament to BK's commitment to education and entrepreneurship. As a doctor and entrepreneur, Dr. Mohan exemplifies the values instilled in him by his father.

The younger son, Madhav BK, currently in the tenth grade, aspires to become a doctor, inspired by the compassion and determination shown by his family.

BK Muvvala is a successful entrepreneur, a compassionate leader, a dedicated servant, a candidate who has experience in running businesses, nonprofits, and volunteer organizations. BK Muvvala is the most eligible candidate that Franklin City deserve as a leader and a visionary who listens to the people, works for people’s best interests and is capable of bringing a positive difference in Franklin City community

BK Muvvala has a dream, a belief, and a big picture for Franklin inspired by Franklinites. He wants to serve, embrace, and uplift the Franklin community .BK wants to address the challenges of sewage, flooding, clean drinking water, preservation, sustainability growth, transportation, city staff benefits & remunerations and traffic congestion. BK will work with BOMA and state to offer incentives, tax breaks, relax zoning rules, engage big tech, clean and big businesses, and revitalize neighborhoods

I believe that I am a strong advocate for the envisioning of the conservative values of Franklin City. I believe in open-mindedness, truth seeking, problem solving, limited government, transparency, fiscal responsibility, and individual liberty. I am committed to working with the community to preserve our conservative values , make Franklin City a better place to live ,support not to increase taxes, act to bring in code decency for public events, protect children from exposure to adult content, strive to work on election integrity, work with the new builders/property developers to build & support requisite city infrastructure, attract new clean businesses, support local and small businesses, work with city employees, and support to raise a great family. I am a passionate, willing to compromise and dedicated leader who has a vision for the future of Franklin City, listen actively and be respectful. I will strive to make Franklin City a more inclusive, clean, and prosperous community for everyone. I have experience in public service, business, volunteering and education, and also have commitment to work with people from different backgrounds, officials, bureaucrats and people with wide different perspectives


What are your top priorities for Franklin? How would you seek to address them if elected?

These are just some of the issues that I care deeply about, and I'm eager to hear from you about what matters to you. I'm not a career politician, but a concerned citizen who wants to make a difference. I have the skills, experience, and dedication to serve you as your alderman at large. I hope you will join me in this journey and vote for me in the 2023 elections. Together, we can make Franklin City a great place to live, work, and play.

Traffic congestion and safety Economic development Public safety

Infrastructure Environmental Sustainability

Preservation of Franklin City's Historic Heritage Social Services

City of Franklin's Traffic Congestion & Safety

As our city grows, so does the demand for transportation and mobility. We need to invest in smart solutions that improve traffic flow, reduce accidents, and promote alternative modes of transportation such as walking, biking, and public transit

City of Franklin's Economic Development

BK Muvvala wants to attract more businesses and jobs to Franklin City, while preserving its historic charm and natural beauty. He will work with the Chamber of Commerce, local entrepreneurs and other stakeholders to create a business-friendly environment that supports innovation and growth while supporting our local businesses and creating more jobs and economic opportunities for our residents. Economic development and fiscal responsibility: He will promote a business-friendly environment that attracts and retains clean and innovative industries, such as technology, healthcare, and tourism. He will also ensure that the city maintains a balanced budget and invests in essential infrastructure and public services

City of Franklin's Public safety

BK Muvvala believes that public safety is a top priority for any city. He will support the police and fire departments with adequate funding, training and equipment. He will also promote community policing and crime prevention programs that foster trust and cooperation between the residents and the law enforcement. Enhancing our public safety and emergency services and fostering a culture of trust and respect between our police and our citizens. Also, such as inclusionary zoning, accessory dwelling units, and rental assistance programs (Read More)

City of Franklin's Infrastructure & Development

BK Muvvala understands that infrastructure is the backbone of any city. He will work with the city staff, engineers and contractors to ensure that Franklin City's roads, bridges, water, sewer and electric systems are well-maintained and upgraded as needed. He will also seek grants and partnerships to fund


infrastructure projects that benefit the city. Advocate for public safety and fire protection, ensuring that the city has adequate resources and personnel to respond to emergencies and prevent disasters

City of Franklin to explore various options to Promote Environmental Sustainability

Explore the various options to Promote environmental sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint by investing in renewable energy and green infrastructure. Environmental sustainability and resilience: He will champion initiatives that reduce the city's carbon footprint, such as renewable energy sources, energy efficiency programs, and waste reduction strategies. He will also prepare the city for the impacts of climate change, such as flooding, drought, and extreme weather events.

City of Franklin's Preservation of Historic Heritage

BK Muvvala will work to preserve the historic heritage of the city. Enhancing the quality of life and public safety by investing in parks, recreation, arts, culture, and historic preservation, as well as strengthening the city's emergency preparedness and response capabilities. Historic preservation . He will respect and protect the city's rich heritage and historic landmarks, such as the Civil War sites, the downtown district, and the Carter House.

City of Franklin's Social Services & Resolution

Expanding our social services and providing more senior care and senior citizens protection, health care and mental health resources for our most vulnerable populations and work on reducing the high rate of opioid addiction and overdose deaths among residents

Envision a future where community progress is a collective journey

"Envision a future where community progress is a collective journey. With me as your representative, I pledge to pioneer innovative pathways for our city's growth. We will harness the immense potential of our builders, contractors, and real estate developers, channeling their capabilities towards integral city enhancements.

Imagine neighborhoods defined by well-paved sidewalks, inviting parks, and efficient drainage systems. Visualize streets illuminated by functional electric poles and radiant city lights. Consider the peace of mind that comes with reliable sewage management and access to clean drinking water.

I am committed to exploring how we can encourage those who shape our skylines to also invest in the arteries of our city. The result? A healthier, more vibrant community - one that doesn't just work for some, but for all. This is more than just a campaign promise. It's a pledge to make our city a place where everyone thrives, and every development becomes a part of our shared success."

Side Walks and greener city

"Envision a city that truly belongs to all its residents - a city that is green, vibrant, inclusive, and, most importantly, safe. A vote for me is a vote for this future, a promise to prioritize community needs and public safety above all else.


With me as your representative, we'll explore adaptive zoning options to shape our cityscape in a manner that is both welcoming and secure. Picture wider sidewalks, safer bike lanes, and accessible public facilities designed for everyone. Imagine a city that is not just verdant with trees and lively parks but is also thoughtfully planned, ensuring a friendly environment that keeps our community safe.

As your candidate, I am dedicated to advocating for the necessary funds to support these endeavors, ensuring public safety is at the heart of our city planning. This campaign is not just about winning an election, it's about reshaping our city into a place that is livable, lovable, inclusive, and above all, safe.

Join me in this journey to foster a community that cherishes its green spaces, values inclusive, prioritizes public safety, and adapts to the needs of all its residents. Your vote is a step towards this shared vision. Together, we can transform our city into a sanctuary we are all proud to call home."

Williamson, Inc. values strategic growth, which we define as economic vibrancy bolstered by proactive planning that leads to prosperity for business and better job opportunities for the community while maintaining our unique community character and historic preservation. As a candidate for Franklin municipal office, what does strategic growth mean to you and what does it entail?

Strategic growth is a complex and multifaceted concept, but I believe it can be boiled down to a few key principles:

  • * **Proactive planning:** Strategic growth requires careful planning and foresight. We need to identify our strengths and weaknesses, and develop strategies to capitalize on the former and address the latter. We also need to be aware of the potential impacts of growth, both positive and negative, and take steps to mitigate any negative impacts.
  • * **Economic vibrancy:** Strategic growth should lead to economic vibrancy, which means a strong and growing economy that creates jobs and opportunities for our residents. We can achieve economic vibrancy by attracting new businesses and industries, supporting existing businesses, and investing in infrastructure and amenities that make our community attractive to businesses and residents alike.
  • * **Prosperity for business:** Strategic growth should also lead to prosperity for business. This means creating an environment where businesses can thrive, with access to capital, talent, and markets. We can achieve prosperity for business by streamlining regulations, providing tax breaks and other incentives, and investing in infrastructure that businesses need.
  • * **Better job opportunities:** Strategic growth should also lead to better job opportunities for our residents. This means creating a skilled workforce and providing opportunities for advancement. We can achieve better job opportunities by investing in education and training, and by supporting small businesses that create jobs.
  • * **Community character and historic preservation:** Strategic growth should also be mindful of our unique community character and historic preservation. We need to find ways to grow without sacrificing the things that make our community special. This means balancing the needs of businesses and residents, and making sure that any new development is compatible with our existing community.


As a municipal candidate, I believe that strategic growth is essential for the future of our community. I am committed to working with all stakeholders to develop a plan for strategic growth that will benefit everyone.

Here are some specific strategies that I would pursue to achieve strategic growth:

  • * **Attract new businesses and industries:** I would work to attract new businesses and industries to our community by offering tax breaks and other incentives, streamlining regulations, and investing in infrastructure.
  • * **Support existing businesses:** I would support existing businesses by providing them with access to capital, talent, and markets. I would also work to reduce their regulatory burden.
  • * **Invest in infrastructure:** I would invest in infrastructure that businesses need, such as roads, bridges, and utilities. I would also invest in education and training to create a skilled workforce.
  • * **Balance the needs of businesses and residents:** I would work to balance the needs of businesses and residents by ensuring that any new development is compatible with our existing community.
  • * **Protect our unique community character and historic preservation:** I would work to protect our unique community character and historic preservation by incorporating these values into our planning process.

    I believe that these strategies will help us achieve strategic growth that benefits everyone in our community.

    What do you hope to see from the City of Franklin regarding transportation and mobility solutions? How do you envision the roles of density and neighborhood connectivity?

    As a candidate for Alderman at Large in the City of Franklin, I am committed to improving our transportation and mobility solutions. I believe that we need to create a transportation system that is safe, efficient, and equitable for all residents.

    Here are some specific transportation and mobility solutions that I hope to see implemented in Franklin:

  • * **Invest in public transportation:** We need to invest in our public transportation system to make it more accessible and affordable for everyone. This includes expanding bus routes, adding more frequent service, and making it easier to transfer between buses and trains.
  • * **Promote walking and biking:** We need to make it easier for people to walk and bike around town by creating more sidewalks, bike lanes, and crosswalks. We also need to make sure that our streets are safe for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • * **Encourage ride-sharing and carpooling:** We need to encourage people to share rides and carpool to reduce traffic congestion. This can be done by providing incentives for ride-sharing and carpooling, such as discounted parking or free rides.
  • * **Improve road infrastructure:** We need to improve our road infrastructure to make it safer and more efficient for drivers. This includes repairing potholes, widening roads, and adding traffic signals.


  • * **Promote density and neighborhood connectivity:** We need to promote density and neighborhood connectivity to make it easier for people to walk, bike, and take public transportation. This can be done by zoning for mixed-use development and building more sidewalks and bike lanes.

    I believe that these transportation and mobility solutions will make Franklin a more livable and sustainable community. I am committed to working with all stakeholders to make these solutions a reality.

    I envision the roles of density and neighborhood connectivity as follows:

  • * **Density:** Density can help to reduce traffic congestion by making it easier for people to walk, bike, and take public transportation. It can also help to support local businesses by creating a vibrant and walkable downtown area.
  • * **Neighborhood connectivity:** Neighborhood connectivity can help to make it easier for people to get around without a car by providing safe and convenient ways to walk, bike, and take public transportation. It can also help to create a sense of community by connecting people to their neighbors and local businesses.

    I believe that density and neighborhood connectivity are essential ingredients for a successful transportation system. I am committed to working to promote these factors in Franklin.

    I hope this answers your question. Thank you for your time.

    What is the best strategy going forward to promote more attainable housing opportunities in Franklin? Do you feel this is an issue? What role should multifamily housing play?

    The best strategy going forward to promote more attainable housing opportunities in Franklin is to adopt a comprehensive approach that includes a variety of strategies. These strategies could include:

  • * **Upzoning:** Upzoning is the process of changing zoning regulations to allow for more density. This can help to increase the supply of housing and make it more affordable.
  • * **Incentivize affordable housing development:** The city could offer incentives to developers who build affordable housing, such as tax breaks or density bonuses.
  • * **Provide financial assistance to homebuyers:** The city could provide financial assistance to homebuyers, such as down payment assistance or mortgage loans.
  • * **Protect existing affordable housing:** The city could adopt policies to protect existing affordable housing, such as rent control or tenant protections.
  • * **Create mixed-use development:** Mixed-use development is the combination of residential, commercial, and retail uses in a single development. This can help to create a more walkable and vibrant community, and it can also make housing more affordable by providing a variety of housing options in one place.

I believe that all of these strategies are important, and I would work to implement them all if I am elected Alderman at Large. I also believe that multifamily housing can play a role in promoting more


attainable housing opportunities. Multifamily housing can provide more affordable housing options for people who are unable to afford a single-family home. It can also help to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality by providing more people with the option to live close to work and amenities.

I believe that the issue of attainable housing is a critical one, and I am committed to working to address it. I believe that the strategies outlined above can help to make Franklin a more affordable place to live for everyone.

Here are some additional thoughts on the role of multifamily housing in promoting more attainable housing opportunities:

  • * Multifamily housing can help to increase the supply of housing, which can put downward pressure on prices.
  • * Multifamily housing can be more affordable than single-family homes, especially for people who are just starting out or who have limited incomes.
  • * Multifamily housing can be located in a variety of neighborhoods, including downtown areas and near public transportation. This can make it easier for people to live close to work and amenities.
  • * Multifamily housing can be built more quickly and efficiently than single-family homes. This can help to address the housing shortage more quickly.

    I believe that multifamily housing is a vital part of the solution to the affordable housing crisis. I am committed to working to promote the development of multifamily housing in Franklin.


    How does local leadership best inspire citizen engagement in a community where so many are new residents?

    Local leadership can best inspire citizen engagement in a community where so many are new residents by:

  • * **Being accessible and approachable:** Local leaders should make themselves available to meet with residents, answer questions, and listen to concerns. They should also be willing to go out into the community and meet people where they are.
  • * **Communicating effectively:** Local leaders should communicate with residents in a clear, concise, and transparent way. They should use a variety of channels to communicate, including social media, email, and in-person meetings.
  • * **Being inclusive:** Local leaders should make sure that all residents feel welcome and included in the community. They should reach out to underrepresented groups and make sure that their voices are heard.
  • * **Empowering residents:** Local leaders should empower residents to take action and make a difference in their community. They should provide opportunities for residents to get involved in decision-making and to volunteer their time.


  • * **Celebrating successes:** Local leaders should celebrate the successes of the community and the contributions of its residents. This can help to build pride and a sense of ownership in the community.



    Here are some specific things that local leaders can do to inspire citizen engagement in a community with many new residents:

  • * **Hold regular town hall meetings:** Town hall meetings are a great way for local leaders to meet with residents and hear their concerns. They can also be used to educate residents about the issues facing the community and to get their input on solutions.
  • * **Create a website or social media page:** A website or social media page can be used to keep residents informed about the activities of the local government and to provide a forum for residents to share their thoughts and ideas.
  • * **Reach out to underrepresented groups:** Local leaders should make an effort to reach out to underrepresented groups, such as immigrants, young people, and people with disabilities. They should provide these groups with information about how to get involved in the community and to make their voices heard.
  • * **Create opportunities for residents to get involved:** Local leaders should create opportunities for residents to get involved in the community, such as volunteering, serving on committees, and running for office.
  • * **Celebrate the successes of the community:** Local leaders should celebrate the successes of the community, such as new businesses opening, schools receiving awards, and residents volunteering their time. This can help to build pride and a sense of ownership in the community.

I believe that by following these principles, local leaders can inspire citizen engagement in a community with many new residents. I am committed to working with all stakeholders to make this happen.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023 2:36 PM

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Tuesday, August 15, 2023 1:50 PM

Candidate Survey from Bike Walk Franklin

  1. How frequently does your family walk or bike in Franklin? Are these trips for recreation, work or errands?

    BK Muvvala: I believe that it is important for families to be active and to get exercise. I encourage my family to walk or bike whenever possible. We walk to the park, to the library, and to school. We also bike to the grocery store and to other errands.

    I believe that walking and biking are good for our health and for the environment. They help us to stay fit and reduce our carbon footprint. I am also a strong supporter of making Franklin a more walk able and bike able community. I believe that we can make it easier for people to get around without a car by investing in sidewalks, bike lanes, and other infrastructure.

    If elected as Alderman at Large, I would work to make Franklin a more walk able and bike able community. I would also encourage families to get out and be active by walking and biking more often.

    Here are some specific things that I would do to make Franklin a more walk able and bike able community:

    1. Invest in sidewalks and bike lanes. I would work to increase funding for sidewalks and bike lanes. This would make it safer and easier for people to walk and bike around town.
    2. Create more pedestrian-friendly areas. I would work to create more pedestrian-friendly areas, such as by adding crosswalks and traffic calming measures. This would make it more comfortable and inviting for people to walk and bike.
    3. Promote walking and biking. I would work to promote walking and biking through education and outreach programs. I would also work to make it easier for people to get around without a car, such as by providing free or discounted bus passes.

    I believe that by making Franklin a more walk able and bike able community, we can improve the health of our residents, reduce our carbon footprint, and make our community a more livable place.


  2. Franklin consistently ranks behind our peer cities on bicycle and pedestrian facilities. As Alderman would you work to make Franklin a community where residents could choose to live without a car and still meet their daily needs?

    BK Muvvala: Answer to your question about whether I would work to make Franklin a community where residents could choose to live without a car and still meet their daily needs:

    Yes, I would work to make Franklin a community where residents could choose to live without a car and still meet their daily needs. I believe that this is important for a number of reasons.

    1. It is good for our health. Walking and biking are good for our physical and mental health. They help us to stay fit and reduce our risk of obesity, heart disease, and other chronic diseases.
    2. It is good for the environment. Walking and biking reduce our reliance on cars, which helps to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
    3. It is good for our community. Walking and biking can help to create a more vibrant and connected community. They can also help to reduce traffic congestion and improve public safety.

    I believe that we can make Franklin a more walk able and bike able community by investing in sidewalks, bike lanes, and other infrastructure. We can also make it easier for people to get around without a car by providing free or discounted bus passes and other transportation options.

    If elected as Alderman at Large, I would work to make Franklin a more walk able and bike able community. I would also encourage residents to choose to live without a car by promoting walking and biking through education and outreach programs.

    I believe that by making Franklin a more walk able and bike able community, we can improve the health of our residents, reduce our carbon footprint, and make our community a more livable place.

    Here are some specific things that I would do to make Franklin a more walk able and bike able community:

    1. Invest in sidewalks and bike lanes. I would work to increase funding for sidewalks and bike lanes. This would make it safer and easier for people to walk and bike around town.
    2. Create more pedestrian-friendly areas. I would work to create more pedestrian-friendly areas, such as by adding crosswalks and traffic calming measures. This would make it more comfortable and inviting for people to walk and bike.
    3. Promote walking and biking. I would work to promote walking and biking through education and outreach programs. I would also work to make it easier for people to get around without a car, such as by providing free or discounted bus passes.
    4. Work with businesses and organizations to make their facilities more accessible to pedestrians and cyclists. I would work with businesses and organizations to make their facilities more accessible to pedestrians and cyclists, such as by providing bike racks and changing rooms.
    5. Encourage developers to build walk able and bike able communities. I would encourage developers to build walk able and bike able communities by requiring them to include sidewalks and bike lanes in their plans. I believe that by making these changes, we can make Franklin a more walk able and bike able community and a better place to live, work, and raise a family.


  3. Describe a place in Franklin you feel would benefit most from pedestrian and bicycle investment. What should be changed?

    BK Muvvala: Sure, answer to your question about a place in Franklin that would benefit most from pedestrian and bicycle investment, and what should be changed:

    I believe that the downtown area of Franklin would benefit most from pedestrian and bicycle investment. The downtown area is a popular destination for residents and tourists alike, but it can be difficult to get around without a car.

    Here are some specific things that could be changed to make the downtown area more walk able and bike able:

    1. Add more sidewalks and bike lanes. There are currently not enough sidewalks and bike lanes in the downtown area. This makes it difficult and unsafe for people to walk and bike around.
    2. Create more pedestrian-friendly areas. This could be done by adding more crosswalks, traffic calming measures, and green space.
    3. Promote walking and biking. This could be done through education and outreach programs, as well as by making it easier for people to get around without a car.
    4. Work with businesses and organizations to make their facilities more accessible to pedestrians and cyclists. This could be done by providing bike racks and changing rooms.
    5. Encourage developers to build walk able and bike able communities. This could be done by requiring them to include sidewalks and bike lanes in their plans.

    I believe that by making these changes, we can make the downtown area of Franklin a more walk able and bike able community and a better place to live, work, and visit.

    Here are some other places in Franklin that could benefit from pedestrian and bicycle investment:

    1. The Williamson County Public Library
    2. The Franklin Farmers Market
    3. The Carnton Plantation
    4. The Carter House
    5. The Franklin Park District
    6. The Harpeth River Greenway
    7. The areas around Franklin city old community
    8. Extension of Mac Hatcher
    9. Extension of Franklin Road towards Moores lane (Brentwood)
    10. Mallory station and surrounding areas until cool springs mall

    I believe that by making these investments, we can make Franklin a more walk able and bike able community for everyone.


  4. Would you support dedicating a portion of the CIP budget specifically to pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure projects each year?

    BK Muvvala: Sure, here is answer to your question about whether I would support dedicating a portion of the CIP budget specifically to pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure projects each year:

    Yes, I would support dedicating a portion of the CIP budget specifically to pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure projects each year. I believe that this is important for a number of reasons.

    1. It is good for our health. Walking and biking are good for our physical and mental health. They help us to stay fit and reduce our risk of obesity, heart disease, and other chronic diseases.
    2. It is good for the environment. Walking and biking reduce our reliance on cars, which helps to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
    3. It is good for our community. Walking and biking can help to create a more vibrant and connected community. They can also help to reduce traffic congestion and improve public safety.

    I believe that we can make Franklin a more walk able and bike able community by investing in sidewalks, bike lanes, and other infrastructure. We can also make it easier for people to get around without a car by providing free or discounted bus passes and other transportation options.

    If elected as Alderman at Large, I would work to dedicate a portion of the CIP budget specifically to pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure projects each year. I would also work to make Franklin a more walk able and bike able community by promoting walking and biking through education and outreach programs.

    I believe that by making these investments, we can improve the health of our residents, reduce our carbon footprint, and make our community a more livable place.

    Here are some specific things that I would do to make Franklin a more walk able and bike able community:

    1. Invest in sidewalks and bike lanes. I would work to increase funding for sidewalks and bike lanes. This would make it safer and easier for people to walk and bike around town.
    2. Create more pedestrian-friendly areas. I would work to create more pedestrian-friendly areas, such as by adding crosswalks and traffic calming measures. This would make it more comfortable and inviting for people to walk and bike.
    3. Promote walking and biking. I would work to promote walking and biking through education and outreach programs. I would also work to make it easier for people to get around without a car, such as by providing free or discounted bus passes.
    4. Work with businesses and organizations to make their facilities more accessible to pedestrians and cyclists. I would work with businesses and organizations to make their facilities more accessible to pedestrians and cyclists, such as by providing bike racks and changing rooms.
    5. Encourage developers to build walk able and bike able communities. I would encourage developers to build walk able and bike able communities by requiring them to include sidewalks and bike lanes in their plans.

    I believe that by making these changes, we can make Franklin a more walk able and bike able community and a better place to live, work, and raise a family.


  5. Traffic and congestion remain a top citizen concern in our city year after year. Vehicular roadway improvements are not going to solve our traffic problems on their own. What role should pedestrian and bike infrastructure have in potential solutions to our worsening congestion issues?

    BK Muvvala: Sure, here is my answer to your question about the role that pedestrian and bike infrastructure should play in potential solutions to Franklin's worsening congestion issues:

    I believe that pedestrian and bike infrastructure can play a significant role in reducing traffic congestion. By providing more options for people to get around without a car, we can reduce the number of cars on the road and make it easier for everyone to get where they need to go.

    Here are some specific ways that pedestrian and bike infrastructure can help to reduce traffic congestion:

    1. Reduce the number of cars on the road. When people have more options for getting around, they are less likely to drive their cars. This can free up space on the roads and make it easier for everyone to get around.
    2. Improve traffic flow. When people are able to walk or bike to their destinations, it can help to improve traffic flow. This is because pedestrians and cyclists take up less space on the road than cars.
    3. Reduce air pollution. Cars emit pollutants that contribute to air pollution. When people walk or bike, they help to reduce air pollution and improve air quality.
    4. Improve public health. Walking and biking are good for physical and mental health. By providing more opportunities for people to walk and bike, we can improve the health of our community.

    I believe that we need to invest in pedestrian and bike infrastructure as part of a comprehensive approach to reducing traffic congestion. By making it easier for people to get around without a car, we can make our community a healthier, more livable place.

    Here are some specific things that I would do to promote pedestrian and bike infrastructure in Franklin:

    1. Increase funding for pedestrian and bike projects. I would work to increase funding for pedestrian and bike projects in the city budget.
    2. Create more pedestrian-friendly areas. I would work to create more pedestrian-friendly areas, such as by adding sidewalks, crosswalks, and traffic calming measures.
    3. Promote walking and biking. I would work to promote walking and biking through education and outreach programs.
    4. Encourage developers to build walk able and bike able communities. I would encourage developers to build walk able and bike able communities by requiring them to include sidewalks and bike lanes in their plans.

    I believe that by taking these steps, we can make Franklin a more walk able and bike able community and reduce traffic congestion.


  6. Are there any peer cities (or places you have visited) with strong alternative transportation and what lessons could Franklin learn from them?

BK Muvvala: Sure, here are some peer cities with strong alternative transportation and what lessons Franklin could learn from them:

  1. Asheville, North Carolina: Asheville is a popular tourist destination with a strong commitment to alternative transportation. The city has a comprehensive network of bike lanes and sidewalks, and it offers a variety of public transportation options, including buses, trolleys, and a light rail system.

Franklin could learn from Asheville's commitment to alternative transportation by investing in more bike lanes and sidewalks, and by expanding its public transportation system.

  1. Portland, Oregon: Portland is known for its bike-friendly culture and its commitment to sustainability. The city has a network of over 300 miles of bike lanes, and it offers a variety of incentives for people to bike, such as free bike parking and discounted bus fares.

Franklin could learn from Portland's example by making it easier and more convenient for people to bike. This could include adding more bike lanes, providing more secure bike parking, and creating more bike-friendly infrastructure, such as protected bike lanes and separated bike paths.

  1. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Minneapolis has a comprehensive public transportation system that includes buses, light rail, and streetcars. The city also has a network of bike lanes and sidewalks, and it offers a variety of incentives for people to use alternative transportation, such as free bus fares for youth and reduced fares for seniors.

Franklin could learn from Minneapolis' example by expanding its public transportation system and by making it easier and more convenient for people to walk and bike. This could include adding more bus routes, extending the light rail system, and creating more pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, such as wider sidewalks and more crosswalks.

These are just a few examples of peer cities with strong alternative transportation. By learning from these cities, Franklin can make itself a more walk able, bike able, and transit-friendly community.




Tuesday, August 15, 2023 12:41 PM

League of Women Voters of Williamson County

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Monday, August 14, 2023 9:03 PM

City of Franklin BOMA Elections 2023 Williamson County Republican Party Candidate Survey

City of Franklin BOMA Elections 2023

Williamson County Republican Party

Candidate Survey




Please type your responses into this document.


Please email the document with your responses by Monday, August 28 to the Chair of the WCRP Elections Committee, Christine Deekens, at  She will reply with a confirmation of receipt.


All answers will be posted verbatim on the WCRP website and portions may appear in WCRP social media.


Please respond to all questions.   Unanswered questions will be marked as “No answer” on the WCRP website.


A high percentage of members of the Tennessee General Assembly served first as local elected leaders.   Some questions are intended to elicit the views of candidates on topics beyond the normal responsibilities / scope of the Franklin BOMA with a view that they may run for a wider office in the future.


Voters will appreciate brevity – particularly since there are so many candidates.



Candidate Background:


  1. Please tell us about you and your family.What are your qualifications, skills, and experience? Tell us about your faith, your civic involvement, and about any character traits that will help you be an effective alderman or mayor.


BK Muvvala is a dedicated family man with a vision for a brighter Franklin future based on Franklin City Citizens. As a happily married man, I cherish the unwavering support of my beautiful wife, Raji Muvvala, who excels as an IT QA Engineer at BMI. Together, we take pride in nurturing our two sons, each pursuing their dreams.

The elder son, Dr. Mohan Muvvala, stands as a testament to BK's commitment to education and entrepreneurship. As a doctor and entrepreneur, Dr. Mohan exemplifies the values instilled in him by his father.

The younger son, Madhav BK, currently in the tenth grade, aspires to become a doctor, inspired by the compassion and determination shown by his family.


Member of Christ United Methodist Church, at Franklin


BK Muvvala is a passionate and dedicated leader who has a vision for the future of Franklin City. He wants to make Franklin City a more inclusive, clean, and prosperous community for everyone. He has experience in public service, business, and education, and He knows how to work with people from different backgrounds and perspectives

2.             Why are you running? BK Muvvala is a successful entrepreneur, a compassionate leader, a dedicated servant, a candidate who has experience in running businesses, nonprofits, and volunteer organizations. BK Muvvala is the most eligible candidate that Franklin City deserve as a leader and a visionary who listens to the people, works for people’s best interests and is capable of bringing a positive difference in Franklin City community

BK Muvvala has a dream, a belief, and a big picture for Franklin inspired by Franklinites. He wants to serve, embrace, and uplift the Franklin community .BK wants to address the challenges of sewage, flooding, clean drinking water, preservation, sustainability growth, transportation, city staff benefits & remunerations and traffic congestion. BK will work with BOMA and state to offer incentives, tax breaks, relax zoning rules, engage big tech, clean and big businesses, and revitalize neighborhoods

I believe that I am a strong advocate for the envisioning of the conservative values of Franklin City. I believe in open-mindedness, truth seeking, problem solving, limited government, transparency, fiscal responsibility, and individual liberty. I am committed to working with the community to preserve our conservative values , make Franklin City a better place to live ,support not to increase taxes, act to bring in code decency for public events, protect children from exposure to adult content, strive to work on election integrity, work with the new builders/property developers to build  & support requisite city infrastructure, attract new clean businesses, support local and small businesses, work with city employees, and support to raise a great family. I am a passionate, willing to compromise and dedicated leader who has a vision for the future of Franklin City, listen actively and be respectful. I will strive to make Franklin City a more inclusive, clean, and prosperous community for everyone. I have experience in public service, business, volunteering and education, and also have commitment to work with people from different backgrounds, officials, bureaucrats and people with wide different perspectives

Scope and Role of Government:

  1. What is your view about the U.S. Constitution and how it should be interpreted?

    BK Muvvala: "originalism" or "textualism" protecting individual rights as enumerated in the Constitution, including the rights to free speech, freedom of religion, and the right to bear arms. Limited government intervention in the lives of citizens and the economy, reflecting the principles of federalism and separation of powers outlined in the Constitution.

    What does liberty mean to you?How does government influence liberty?

  2. BK Muvvala:  Liberty as the freedom to live one's life without undue interference from the government. This includes the freedom to make decisions about one's personal life, economic choices, and property without unnecessary regulations or restrictions. I often prioritize individual rights and personal responsibility, believing that liberty involves the freedom to succeed or fail based on one's own actions and decisions. This perspective is often tied to the idea of "negative liberty," or freedom from external restrictions or coercion, especially those imposed by the state.

    BK Muvvala: Government's influence on liberty – I typically argue that government can both protect and infringe upon liberty. On one hand, government is necessary to safeguard citizens' rights and freedoms, enforce laws, and maintain social order. On the other hand, I express concern that government can also limit liberty by imposing too many regulations, infringing upon personal freedoms, or overstepping its boundaries in other ways. As a result, I advocate for a limited government that plays a minimal role in citizens' daily lives, believing this to be the best way to preserve individual liberty.

    What is the primary role of government?

BK Muvvala: I believe that the primary role of government should be limited and focused on a few key areas:

  • Protection of Rights: A fundamental role of government is to protect the individual rights of citizens, as outlined in the U.S. Constitution. This includes the right to life, liberty, and property, as well as the freedom of speech, religion, and assembly.

    Law and Order: Maintaining law and order as a crucial function of government. This involves enforcing laws, preserving social order, and providing for the public's safety and security, including defense against foreign threats.

  • Economic Freedom: Free-market economic system with minimal government intervention. I believe that the government should create an environment that allows for free trade, competition, and innovation, but should not overly interfere with the market.

  • Infrastructure and Public Services: Limited government, I agree that the government has a role in providing certain public goods and services that may not be adequately provided by the private sector. This can include things like roads, public education, and emergency services.

  • Preservation of Constitutional Government: Government should adhere to the principles set forth in the Constitution, including the separation of powers and federalism, to ensure the protection of citizens' rights and prevent the concentration of power.

Franklin Governance:

  1. What are the three most critical issues facing Franklin today and how would you propose that Franklin address each issue?

Franklin, TN, like many cities, has its unique set of challenges that evolve over time.

BK Muvvala:

1. Growth and Development: Franklin has experienced significant growth, which brings challenges related to infrastructure, housing affordability, and preserving local character.

Proposed Solutions: I favor development policies that ensure sustainable growth while protecting property rights. I also advocate for minimal regulatory burdens on businesses and developments to encourage economic prosperity, balanced with the preservation of Franklin's historic character.

2. Taxes and Budgeting:  As with many locales, the fiscal health of the local government, tax rates, and how taxpayer money is spent are perennial concerns.

Proposed Solutions: I favor efficient government spending, reducing waste, and avoiding tax hikes. I will advocate for periodic reviews of municipal expenses to ensure that taxpayer money is being used wisely and for essential services.

3. Public Safety and Law Enforcement: Ensuring that residents feel safe and that law enforcement is supported can be a priority.

Proposed Solutions: I support strong backing for police departments, with an emphasis on community policing, good training, and ensuring departments have the resources they need. I also emphasize policies that deter crime and support victims.

Do you have any concerns about how city officials are appointed?  What involvement, if any, should the BOMA have in recommending and/or approving appointments?

I emphasize transparency, accountability, and limited government intervention.

 When it comes to the appointment of city officials:

1. Concerns: I will be concerned if the appointments are made without transparency, based on political favoritism, or without adequate consideration of qualifications and merit. I could also be worried if certain groups or perspectives are being systematically excluded from city leadership roles.

2. Role of the BOMA: In many cities, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen (or its equivalent) plays a role in approving or recommending appointments. The extent of this involvement can vary based on local ordinances and traditions. I advocate for a system that ensures checks and balances, meaning that one entity or individual does not hold too much power in the appointment process. If the BOMA provides a check on mayoral appointments, I view this as a way to ensure greater accountability.

City Finances:

  1. What concerns do you have regarding Franklins finances and how would you propose they be resolved?


    1. Government Spending: Excessive government spending, which I see as wasteful and detrimental to economic growth. Unnecessary projects or programs driving up costs.

    2. Debt and Deficits: Accumulating high levels of government debt and budget deficits, I believe these can lead to long-term economic instability and reduced fiscal flexibility.

    3. Pension Obligations: City has pension plans for public employees, sustainability and financial stability of these plans, especially if they are underfunded.

    4. Transparency and Accountability: Concerns might also center around transparency in budgeting and spending decisions. I advocate for open and accountable government practices to ensure taxpayer dollars are being used efficiently.

    Proposed Resolutions:

    1. Fiscal Restraint: Implement measures to control spending, such as conducting regular audits of government programs, eliminating redundant services, and instituting cost-saving practices across various departments.

    2. Tax Reform: Reducing tax rates or introducing tax incentives for businesses to encourage investment and job creation, while still maintaining essential city services.

    3. Debt Management: Develop a plan to manage existing debt, prioritize essential projects, and avoid taking on excessive new debt. This might involve refinancing existing debt to lower interest payments.

    4. Pension Reform: Address any underfunded pension obligations by exploring pension reform options that ensure the long-term sustainability of pension plans while being fiscally responsible.

    5. Transparency Measures: Enhance transparency in budgeting by providing easy access to financial information for residents, enabling them to understand how their tax dollars are being used.

    6. Business-Friendly Policies: Work on creating a business-friendly environment through streamlined regulations, reduced bureaucracy, and collaboration with local businesses to foster economic growth.

    Growth and Infrastructure:

    BK Muvvala : I strongly support the Envision Franklin document as a general framework for the city's future development. However, I believe that some changes are needed to make the document more realistic and achievable. Specifically, I propose the following changes to the Envision Franklin document:

    Reduce the focus on economic development and put more emphasis on quality of life issues, such as affordable housing, traffic congestion, and public safety.  Increase transparency and accountability in the city's planning process. Give more weight to the input of citizens and businesses in the planning process.  Protect the city's historic character and natural resources. I believe that these changes would make the Envision Franklin document a more valuable tool for guiding the city's future development. In addition to the above, I also have the following specific commitments to the Envision Franklin document:

    I will work to ensure that the city's economic development efforts are balanced with the need to protect the environment and quality of life. I will support the development of affordable housing options for all income levels. I will work to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion.  I will support the expansion of public safety services. I will protect the city's historic character and natural resources.

    I will be transparent and accountable in all decision-making process. I will listen to the input of citizens and businesses in the planning process.  I believe that these commitments will help to make Franklin a better place to live, work, and raise a family.

    BK Muvvala : Developer impact fees: Impact fees are charged to developers to offset the cost of new infrastructure that is needed to support their development. Impact fees are typically based on the size and type of development, and they can be used to fund a variety of infrastructure projects, such as roads, water and sewer lines, parks, and schools.

    Tax increment financing (TIF): TIF is a financing tool that allows local governments to use the increased property tax revenue generated by new development to fund infrastructure improvements in the area. TIF can be a useful tool for funding infrastructure projects that would not be feasible to fund with traditional sources of revenue.

    Public-private partnerships (P3s): P3s are arrangements between the public and private sectors to finance and deliver infrastructure projects. P3s can be a cost-effective way to fund infrastructure projects, and they can also help to bring private sector expertise to the table.

    State and federal grants: State and federal governments often provide grants to local governments to help fund infrastructure projects. These grants can be a valuable source of funding for infrastructure projects, but they are often competitive and require a significant amount of paperwork.

    I believe that a combination of these sources is the best way to fund the additional infrastructure needed for new development in Franklin. Impact fees, TIF, P3s, and state and federal grants can all play a role in ensuring that Franklin has the infrastructure it needs to support continued growth.

    In addition to these sources of funding, I also believe that it is important to be careful about how new development is managed. I support smart growth policies that promote infill development and mixed-use zoning. These policies can help to reduce the need for new infrastructure by encouraging development in areas that are already served by infrastructure.

    I believe that by carefully managing new development and using a combination of funding sources, Franklin can ensure that it has the infrastructure it needs to support continued growth without putting a strain on taxpayers.

    BK Muvvala :There are both pros and cons to consider, and the decision will depend on a variety of factors, such as the city's budget, the local current economy, and the specific businesses that are being considered


    • Tax breaks can help to create jobs and boost the local economy.
    • Tax breaks can help to offset the cost of doing business in Franklin, which is higher than in some other parts of the country.
    • Tax breaks can make Franklin more attractive to businesses, which can lead to more competition and lower prices for consumers.


    • Tax breaks can be expensive for taxpayers.
    • Tax breaks do not always lead to the creation of new jobs.
    • Tax breaks can give an unfair advantage to certain businesses.
    • Tax breaks can lead to a race to the bottom, where cities and states compete to offer the biggest tax breaks to attract businesses.

    Public Issues:

    1.     Should the City of Franklin have a code of decency for events held at publicly owned venues?   How should the attendance by children be addressed at events which may contain adult content, including sexual content?

    BK Muvvala : I believe that the City of Franklin should have a code of decency for events held at publicly owned venues. I believe that this code should be designed to protect children from exposure to adult content, including sexual content.

    I propose that the code of decency should include the following provisions:

    Events held at publicly owned venues should be clearly labeled as either family-friendly or adult-only.

    Children under the age of 18 should not be admitted to adult-only events.

    Events that may contain adult content, including sexual content, should be held at a time and place that is not likely to be attended by children.

    Event organizers should take steps to prevent children from attending events that may contain adult content, including sexual content.

    I believe that these provisions would help to protect children from exposure to adult content and would ensure that publicly owned venues are safe and welcoming for all members of the community.

    I also believe that event organizers should take steps to address the attendance of children at events that may contain adult content, including sexual content. Event organizers should:

    Make it clear on the event listing that the event may contain adult content, including sexual content.

    Require all attendees to be 18 years of age or older.

    Provide a designated area for children to wait while their parents or guardians attend the event.

    Provide childcare services for children who are under the age of 18.

    I believe that these steps would help to ensure that children are not exposed to adult content at events that may not be appropriate for them.

    Is it the governments role to ensure the availability of affordable housing?If so, how?

  2. There are both pros and cons to consider, and the decision will depend on a variety of factors, such as the government's budget, the housing market, and the needs of the community.

    BK Muvvala : I believe that the government has a role to play in ensuring the availability of affordable housing. However, I believe that the government should not be the sole provider of affordable housing. I believe that the private sector should also play a role in providing affordable housing.

    I propose that the government can help to ensure the availability of affordable housing by:

    Here are some of the arguments for and against the government's role in ensuring the availability of affordable housing:

    Arguments for:

    The government has a responsibility to protect its citizens from homelessness and poverty.

    Affordable housing is essential for economic opportunity.

    Affordable housing can help to reduce crime and improve public health.

    The government has the resources to build and subsidize affordable housing.

    Arguments against:

    The government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers in the housing market.

    Government intervention in the housing market can distort prices and lead to inefficiency.

    The government should focus on other priorities, such as education and healthcare.

    The private sector is better equipped to provide affordable housing.

    What are your thoughts about the Middle Eightdevelopment project?

What is your commitment to the Envision Franklin document?What changes would propose, if any, to the Envision Franklin document?

For new development, how do you think the additional infrastructure (water, sewer, roads, police, ambulances, fire, etc.) should be funded?

Some citizens have expressed concern that the building in which City Hall resides is no longer adequate. What are your thoughts?

BK Muvvala : I agree with the citizens who have expressed concern that the building in which City Hall resides is no longer adequate. The building was built in 1973 and is not designed to meet the needs of the modern city. It is cramped, outdated, and does not have enough space for the city's growing workforce.

I support the city's efforts to find a new location for City Hall. The city has been considering several options, including renovating the existing building, building a new building on the current site, or building a new building in a different location.

I believe that the best option for the city is to build a new building in a different location. This would allow the city to design a building that is specifically tailored to its needs. It would also allow the city to create a more inviting and accessible space for citizens and businesses.

I understand that building a new City Hall will be a costly endeavor. However, I believe that it is a necessary investment in the future of the city. A new City Hall would be a symbol of Franklin's progress and prosperity. It would also provide the city with the space and resources it needs to continue to grow and thrive.

Here are some of the specific concerns that citizens have raised about the current City Hall building:

It is cramped and outdated. The building is not designed to accommodate the city's growing workforce. There is not enough space for employees to work comfortably, and there is no room for expansion.

It is not accessible to people with disabilities. The building has several steps and narrow doorways, which make it difficult for people with disabilities to get around.

It is not energy efficient. The building is old and inefficient, which means that it costs the city a lot of money to heat and cool.

It is not secure. The building is not well-protected from security threats. This is a concern for both employees and citizens.

I believe that a new City Hall would address all of these concerns. A new building would be designed to be spacious, modern, and accessible. It would also be energy efficient and secure.  I am committed to working with the city to find a solution that meets the needs of the citizens and the city. I belive it is the best way to ensure that Franklin has a modern and efficient government that can serve the needs of its citizens for years to come.

  1. What are your views concerning Franklin giving tax breaks to attract new businesses?

    Providing tax breaks to developers who build affordable housing.

  • Providing grants to non-profit organizations that develop affordable housing.
  • Regulating the housing market to prevent speculation and price gouging.
  • Investing in infrastructure that supports affordable housing, such as public transportation and parks.
  • I also believe that the private sector can help to ensure the availability of affordable housing by:
  • Building more affordable housing units.Offering rent subsidies to low-income tenants.Working with government to develop affordable housing solutions.I believe that by working together, the government and the private sector can help to ensure that everyone has access to affordable housing.

BK Muvvala :There are both pros and cons to consider, and my decision will depend on a variety of factors, such as the impact on the environment, the community, and the economy.

I have mixed views on the "Middle Eight" development project. Even though the project  will bring much-needed economic development to Franklin, create jobs, boost the local economy, and attract new businesses to the city,will improve the quality of life for Franklin residents by providing new amenities, such as a hotel, restaurants, and shops.

I am strongly concerned about the impact it will have on the environment and the community, the project will increase traffic congestion, contribute to air pollution, and destroy green space, also will lead to gentrification and displacement of low-income residents, and I am still leaning towards the Franklin City growth, mixed development, prosperity, job creations and community development

4.     What do you think about how Franklin handled the pandemic?   What would you have done differently?

BK Muvvala : I have mixed views on how Franklin city, TN handled the pandemic. Even though I believe that the city did a good job of balancing public health concerns with economic needs. I believe that the city's mask mandate and other restrictions helped to slow the spread of the virus, while also allowing businesses to remain open, which helped to protect the economy and jobs. Also I would have provided more financial, medical and mental health assistance to people who were struggling financially due to the pandemic.  I would have left to individual’s freedom to act or not to act, and would have seen that government would not play the role in mandating the rules on what to do, how to live and what not to do, as long as it doesn’t impact other individuals rights,obligations and liberty

5.     As a citizen and a voter, do you think the county and the state have any election integrity issues?   If so, what are the issues?

BK Muvvala : I have expressed concerns about election integrity in Williamson County and Tennessee. I have specifically pointed to the following issues:

The use of Dominion voting machines, which have been the subject of conspiracy theories and allegations of fraud.

The lack of transparency in the election process, which makes it difficult to verify the accuracy of the results.

The potential for voter fraud, which could be committed by individuals or by foreign actors.

I believe that these issues need to be addressed in order to ensure the integrity of elections in Williamson County and Tennessee. I am actively, collectively, directly and indirectly participated in calling for a number of reforms, including:

The use of paper ballots, which are more difficult to hack or manipulate.

Increased transparency in the election process, which would make it easier for voters to verify the accuracy of the results.

Voter ID laws, which would make it more difficult for people to vote illegally.

It is important to have a public discussion about these issues in order to ensure that elections are fair and accurate

How should the City of Franklin make decisions regarding the placement of historical markers?

BK Muvvala : I believe that the City of Franklin should make decisions regarding the placement of historical markers based on the following criteria:

Historical accuracy: The markers should be accurate and factual, and they should not be used to promote a particular agenda or viewpoint.

Balance: The markers should represent a variety of perspectives, and they should not be biased towards one particular group or viewpoint.

Community input: The markers should be placed in consultation with the community, and they should reflect the needs and interests of the community.

Cost-effectiveness: The markers should be cost-effective, and they should not be a burden on taxpayers.

I believe that these criteria are important for ensuring that historical markers are a valuable and accurate resource for the community. I also believe that these criteria will help to avoid controversy and ensure that the markers are accepted by all members of the community.

In addition to these criteria, I also believe  that the City of Franklin should consider the following factors when making decisions about the placement of historical markers:

The location of the marker: The marker should be placed in a location where it will be seen by a lot of people and where it will not be easily vandalized.

The size and design of the marker: The marker should be large enough to be easily read, but it should not be so large that it is unsightly or obstructive.

The materials used to make the marker: The marker should be made from durable materials that will withstand the elements.

The maintenance of the marker: The City of Franklin should have a plan for maintaining the marker and ensuring that it is clean and free of graffiti.




Monday, August 14, 2023 8:56 PM


Dear Candidate:

Thank you for your commitment and desire to become a member of the Board of Mayor and Alderman for the City of Franklin. I would appreciate it if you would take the time to respond to the request for the information that is enclosed. I wish you the best during your campaign for election.


The Franklin Firefighters Association collectively represents 95% of all Franklin Fire Department employees. Our objective is to be active in the community by sponsoring numerous charities as well as our own charitable work such as the Franklin Firefighters Toy and Clothing Drive. We also enjoy an active role as an employee organization within the City of Franklin. One aspect of our positive involvement and desire to continue making Franklin a better place is to be active in the political process. We feel, as an employee organization that represents the largest group of city employees, it is necessary to be involved. Even though the Board of Mayor and Alderman does not specifically involve itself in our day-to-day operations, your decisions do have a direct impact on firefighters/employees.

The vision of the Franklin Firefighters Association is that we would work collaboratively with the Fire Department Administration, Human Resource Department, and the City Administration to develop and provide a fair, consistent, and equal workplace for all current and future employees.

The Franklin Firefighters Association Local 3758 is actively pursuing candidates who we feel will best represent not only the citizens but also the firefighters/employees. We would like to endorse and become actively involved in your campaign for Mayor or Alderman should you share the same goals and interests as the Franklin Firefighters Association Local 3758 and the citizens of Franklin.

Please return your response to the questionnaire, including any other comments you may have, by August 21, 2023. Please email your responses to, and please use Microsoft Word or PDF format.


David L. Edge III President

Franklin Firefighters Association Local 3758 PO Box 681922

Franklin, TN 37068 615.717.9260




By answering these campaign questions, you will provide necessary information for our organization to properly endorse candidates who we feel will best serve the City of Franklin’s citizens, employees, and visitors. Please feel free to attach a separate sheet with your answers or email an electronic copy. Please provide all necessary information so we may contact you through US mail, website, email and/or telephone and if you have a campaign manager, please provide their information as well. Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.



  1. Please tell us about yourself and about any groups or organizations you are involved within Franklin. Please explain to us your platform of your campaign and your goals of becoming an Alderman.


    BK Muvvala is a dedicated family man with a vision for a brighter Franklin future based on Franklin City Citizens. As a happily married man, I cherish the unwavering support of my beautiful wife, Raji Muvvala, who excels as an IT QA Engineer at BMI. Together, we take pride in nurturing our two sons, each pursuing their dreams.

    The elder son, Dr. Mohan Muvvala, stands as a testament to BK's commitment to education and entrepreneurship. As a doctor and entrepreneur, Dr. Mohan exemplifies the values instilled in him by his father.

    The younger son, Madhav BK, currently in the tenth grade, aspires to become a doctor, inspired by the compassion and determination shown by his family.

    Member of Christ United Methodist Church, at Franklin

    BK Muvvala is a passionate and dedicated leader who has a vision for the future of Franklin City. He wants to make Franklin City a more inclusive, clean, and prosperous community for everyone. He has experience in public service, business, and education, and He knows how to work with people from different backgrounds and perspectives

    BK Muvvala is a successful entrepreneur, a compassionate leader, a dedicated servant, a candidate who has experience in running businesses, nonprofits, and volunteer organizations. BK Muvvala is the most eligible candidate that Franklin City deserve as a leader and a visionary who listens to the people, works for people’s best interests and is capable of bringing a positive difference in Franklin City community

    BK Muvvala has a dream, a belief, and a big picture for Franklin inspired by Franklinites. He wants to serve, embrace, and uplift the Franklin community .BK wants to address the challenges of sewage, flooding, clean drinking water, preservation, sustainability growth, transportation, city staff benefits & remunerations and traffic congestion. BK will work with BOMA and state to offer incentives, tax breaks, relax zoning rules, engage big tech, clean and big businesses, and revitalize neighborhoods


    Do you feel an endorsement from the Franklin Firefighters Association Local 3758 is important? If you would like an endorsement from this organization, what would you expect from us?

  2. BK Muvvala: Yes, I believe an endorsement from the Franklin Firefighters Association Local 3758 is important. The firefighters of Franklin are highly respected members of the community, and their endorsement would carry a lot of weight with voters. It would show that I have the support of a vital public safety organization, and it would also demonstrate my commitment to the safety of our community.

    I would request to seek an endorsement from the Franklin Firefighters Association Local 3758, I would be interested to meet with your leadership and discuss my vision for the future of Franklin. I would also be prepared to answer any questions you have about my experience, qualifications, and commitment to public service.

    I believe that I would be a strong advocate for the firefighters of Franklin, and I would work tirelessly to ensure that they have the resources and support they need to do their jobs safely and effectively. I would also be committed to working with the firefighters to address the challenges facing our community, such as increasing crime and traffic congestion.

    I believe that an endorsement from the Franklin Firefighters Association Local 3758 would be a valuable asset to my campaign, and I would be honored to have support of your esteemed organization

    Here are some specific things I would expect from the Franklin Firefighters Association Local 3758 in exchange for their endorsement:

    • I would meet with their leadership on a regular basis to discuss the needs of the fire department and the community.
    • I would work towards supporting legislation that is beneficial to firefighters, such as increased funding for training and equipment.
    • I would work to improve the working conditions for firefighters, such as reducing the number of hours they work per shift.
    • I would be a strong advocate for firefighters in the media and in public forums.

    I believe that these are just a few of the ways that I can show my commitment to the firefighters of Franklin and earn their endorsement.


  3. In years past the Board of Mayor and Aldermen were given a redacted budget that was presented by the City Administrator and his team in lieu of the complete budget that was provided by the Fire Chief. In our most recent budget process, current Board of Mayor and Aldermen recognized this issue and demanded the entire fire department budget be presented so that full and accurate decisions could be made. Would you support this trend in upcoming budgets, and would you support reviewing the needs of the fire department from our subject matter expert, the Fire Chief?

    BK Muvvala: Yes, I would support this trend in upcoming budgets. I believe that the Board of Mayor and Aldermen should have all of the information they need to make informed decisions about the fire department budget. The fire chief is the subject matter expert on the fire department, and his budget should be the one that is presented to the board.

    I am concerned that in the past, the city administrator and his team have redacted the fire department budget in order to make it look smaller than it actually is. This has made it difficult for the board to make the necessary investments in the fire department to ensure that it is properly funded and staffed.

    I believe that the fire department is a vital public safety organization, and it is important that it has the resources it needs to do its job effectively. I would support reviewing the needs of the fire department from the fire chief, and I would work to ensure that the fire department budget is fully funded in upcoming years.

    • Here are some specific things I would do to support the fire department:
    • I would meet with the fire chief on a regular basis to discuss the needs of the fire department and the community.
    • I would support legislation that is beneficial to the fire department, such as increased funding for training and equipment.
    • I would work to improve the working conditions for firefighters, such as reducing the number of hours they work per shift.
    • I would be a strong advocate for the fire department in the media and in public forums.

    I believe that these are just a few of the ways that I can show my support for the fire department and earn the endorsement of the Franklin Firefighters Association Local 3758.


  4. Within the Franklin Fire Department, all shift firefighters (all ranks) work accordingly within the FLSA 7k ruling of a 28-day, 212-hour cycle (13 cycles per calendar year), 2,808 hours a year and are required to clock in and out as hourly employees are expected to. All other jobs within the City of Franklin work a 40-hour week which breaks down to 2,080 hours a year. The issue we are seeking resolution to regards the length of a work week for firefighters versus the length of all other city employees prior to receiving overtime compensation. A firefighter’s work week will span 28 days and overtime payments will not be received until a firefighter has “physically” worked 212 hours in that 28-day work week. The reason “physically” was highlighted is especially important and where this issue is. If a firefighter is to take off from work for vacation or sick, they are punished that time as “physically” worked and when they work time above their regular schedule, they do not receive overtime payments until the time off has been fulfilled. Example: A firefighter typically works nine twenty-four-hour shifts in a cycle (13 cycles in a calendar year. The firefighter takes vacation for two twenty-four hour shifts and returns to work. Before the end of the cycle the firefighter is required to work overtime to fulfill the staffing needs of the department and it requires them to work an additional shift beyond their normal schedule. The firefighter will receive only regular pay and not an overtime payment for their work performed. Would you be in support of discussion to research and develop a system that is fair to the city and to the firefighters?

    BK Muvvala: Yes, I would absolutely allow the Franklin Firefighters Association to present a plan to me that would address the issue of fair compensation of specialty skills for firefighters. I believe that it is important to compensate firefighters fairly for the additional training and skills that they obtain.

    I am aware of the 2012 pay study that recommended a plan to compensate firefighters for additional and specialized training. I am also aware that the Franklin Firefighters Association has been bringing this issue up to the Fire Administration and City Administration for over 11 years without any advancement toward resolving it.

    I believe that this is an important issue that needs to be addressed. Firefighters who obtain specialized training are essential to the safety of our community. They are the ones who are called upon to respond to hazardous materials incidents, rope rescues, and swift water rescues. They need to be compensated fairly for the additional skills and training that they have.

    I would be happy to meet with the Franklin Firefighters Association to discuss their plan to address this issue. I am committed to working with them to find a solution that is fair to the firefighters and to the taxpayers of Franklin.

    Here are some specific things I would do to support the firefighters who obtain specialized training:

    • I would support a plan to compensate firefighters for additional and specialized training that is similar to how police officers with the City of Franklin are compensated.
    • I would work to ensure that firefighters who obtain specialized training are given the opportunity to use those skills on the job.
    • I would work to improve the working conditions for firefighters who obtain specialized training, such as reducing the number of hours they work per shift.
    • I would be a strong advocate for firefighters who obtain specialized training in the media and in public forums.

    I believe that these are just a few of the ways that I can show my support for the firefighters of Franklin and earn their endorsement.

    Recently the Franklin Fire Department has realigned the fire stations with additional duties and training beyond our normal training and response capabilities. This change has designated Station 3 and Station 6 as Hazardous Materials Response, Station 2 and Station 5 as Rope Rescue, and Station 1 and Station 8 as Swift Water Rescue. The firefighters that work at each of these stations are required to obtain certifications beyond their job descriptions to become specialized in these respective fields. In a 2012 pay study conducted by the City of Franklin, it recommended for a plan to be designed to compensate firefighters for these additional and specialized training that would be like how police officers with the City of Franklin are compensated for additional and specialized duties, such as SWAT. Over the last 11 years the Franklin Firefighters Association has continued to bring up this issue to the Fire Administration and City Administration with no advancement toward resolving this issue. Would you allow the Franklin Firefighters Association to present a plan to you that would address this issue for fair compensation of specialty skills for the firefighters who obtain and maintain the competent skill level?

  5. BK Muvvala: Dear Franklin Firefighters Association, I am writing to you today to express my support for fair compensation for specialty skills for firefighters. I believe that firefighters who are certified in hazardous materials response, rope rescue, or swift water rescue should be compensated at a higher rate than firefighters who are not certified in these areas.

    I am aware that the Franklin Fire Department has realigned the fire stations with additional duties and training beyond our normal training and response capabilities. This change has designated Station 3 and Station 6 as Hazardous Materials Response, Station 2 and Station 5 as Rope Rescue, and Station 1 and Station 8 as Swift Water Rescue. The firefighters that work at each of these stations are required to obtain certifications beyond their job descriptions to become specialized in these respective fields.

    I also understand that the Franklin Firefighters Association has been working with the Fire Administration and City Administration for over 11 years to address the issue of fair compensation for specialty skills. I am disappointed that this issue has not yet been resolved.

    I am committed to working with the Franklin Firefighters Association to find a solution to this issue. I believe that we can find a way to compensate firefighters for their additional training and responsibilities in a way that is fair to both firefighters and taxpayers.

    I would be happy to meet with the Franklin Firefighters Association to discuss their plan for fair compensation for specialty skills. I would also be willing to work with the city council to develop a plan that is fair to both firefighters and taxpayers.

    I believe that fair compensation for specialty skills is important for several reasons. First, it helps to attract and retain qualified firefighters. Second, it shows that we value the additional training and responsibilities that firefighters undertake. Third, it helps to ensure that firefighters are properly compensated for the risks that they take.

    I am confident that we can find a solution to this issue that is mutually beneficial to firefighters and taxpayers. I look forward to working with you to make this happen.


    The City of Franklin currently pays 50% a year for health care premiums for those retirees below the age of 62 (While active duty, the City of Franklin pays 80% a year for health care premiums). After age 62, the City of Franklin allows those retired to stay on the same health care plan as when they were active. Additionally, retirees who are below the age of sixty-two are paying extremely high monthly premiums with deductibles set at $3,000 or higher. The retirement/pension program within the City of Franklin allows those eligible to retire after 25 years of service. Retirees would draw 50% of an average salary of their three consecutive highest paid years of service.


    Currently, the average life expectancy of firefighters nationwide is 57.6 years of age and cancer is the leading cause of death. Firefighters have a 66% greater chance of developing cancer than other occupations due to the carcinogenic products they are consistently exposed to during their careers. The City of Franklin’s current healthcare plan is unfair to the dedicated firefighters who spend their career devoted to protecting and providing safety to the citizens and City of Franklin.

    Would you support and allow any firefighter that reaches 25 years of service and retired, regardless of age, the option to stay on the current health care plan as when they were an active employee?

    BK Muvvala: Dear Franklin Firefighters Association, I am writing to you today to express my support for allowing firefighters who reach 25 years of service and retire, regardless of age, the option to stay on the current health care plan as when they were an active employee.

    I am aware that the City of Franklin currently pays 50% a year for health care premiums for those retirees below the age of 62. After age 62, the City of Franklin allows those retired to stay on the same health care plan as when they were active. However, retirees who are below the age of sixty-two are paying extremely high monthly premiums with deductibles set at $3,000 or higher.

    I believe that this is unfair to firefighters who have dedicated their careers to protecting and providing safety to the citizens of Franklin. Firefighters have a higher risk of developing cancer and other health problems due to the carcinogenic products they are exposed to during their careers. They deserve to have access to quality health care, regardless of their age.

    I am committed to working with the Franklin Firefighters Association to make this happen. I believe that we can find a way to ensure that all firefighters who have served 25 years have access to quality health care, regardless of their age.

    I would be happy to meet with the Franklin Firefighters Association to discuss this issue further. I would also be willing to work with the city council to develop a plan that is fair to both firefighters and taxpayers.

    I believe that this is an important issue, and I am committed to finding a solution that works for everyone. I look forward to working with you to make this happen.


    In 2017, the City of Franklin changed the pension plan to the state run TCRS program. Prior to this change employees enjoyed a pension plan that had an accrual rate of 2% a year and was a direct benefit plan; however, employees hired prior to 2017 had several different plans from a 25 years of service retirement plan to a plan that required a combination of the employees age and years of service, regardless of the plan all received a 2% accrual rate. With the switch to TCRS in 2017, employees only have an accrual rate of 1.5% and the plan changed to a direct contribution plan. In previous conversations with City Administrator Eric Stuckey, a change of this plan has been discussed and a TCRS+ plan was recommended by Eric. This change of plan would give city employees 70% of their 3-year averaged salary after 30 years of service. This change would be an extremely attractive offer to future employees, and retention of existing employees. We realize that this information we are providing is probably new information to you, and that you cannot make an educated decision on the matter by hearing all sides of the issue and the future impact of the budget. We are only asking, Will you hear out all sides, research, and consider changes like these to improve our ability to recruit, and retain firefighters?


    BK Muvvala: Dear Franklin Firefighters Association, Thank you for bringing this important issue to my attention. I am aware that the City of Franklin changed its pension plan to the state run TCRS program in 2017. I understand that this change has resulted in a lower accrual rate for employees and a different type of plan.

    I am also aware that you have discussed changing the pension plan to a TCRS+ plan. This plan would give city employees 70% of their 3-year averaged salary after 30 years of service. I believe that this change would be an extremely attractive offer to future employees and would help to retain existing employees.

    I am committed to hearing out all sides of this issue and researching the potential impact on the budget. I will also consider changes like these to improve our ability to recruit and retain firefighters.

    I believe that it is important to have a strong and healthy fire department. Firefighters play a vital role in our community, and they deserve to have a good pension plan. I am committed to working with you to find a solution that is fair to both firefighters and taxpayers.

    Thank you again for bringing this issue to my attention. I look forward to working with you to make Franklin a better place to live, work, and raise a family.


    The National Fire Protection Association standard 1710 specifies requirements for effectively and efficiently deploying personnel and equipment of career fire departments to protect citizens and the occupational safety and health of fire department employees. This standard highlights the need to properly staff fire apparatus (Engine, Quints, Towers, etc.) with a minimum of four firefighters daily and urges fire departments to make this a top priority. Currently, the Franklin Fire Department staffs their apparatus with a skeleton crew of three firefighters over 95% of the time. Would you support an increase in staffing and hiring additional firefighters to fill these needs in to comply with national industry standards and practices?

BK Muvvala: Dear Franklin Firefighters Association, I am writing to you today to express my support for increasing staffing and hiring additional firefighters to fill the needs of the Franklin Fire Department.

I am aware that the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard 1710 specifies requirements for effectively and efficiently deploying personnel and equipment of career fire departments to protect citizens and the occupational safety and health of fire department employees. This standard highlights the need to properly staff fire apparatus (Engine, Quints, Towers, etc.) with a minimum of four firefighters daily and urges fire departments to make this a top priority.

I am also aware that the Franklin Fire Department currently staffs their apparatus with a skeleton crew of three firefighters over 95% of the time. This is not in compliance with NFPA standard 1710, and it is a safety hazard for both firefighters and citizens.

I believe that it is important to have a properly staffed fire department. Firefighters play a vital role in our community, and they deserve to have the resources they need to do their jobs safely and effectively. I am committed to working with you to increase staffing and hire additional firefighters to fill the needs of the Franklin Fire Department.

I believe that increasing staffing will have several benefits for the Franklin Fire Department, including:

  • Improved safety for firefighters and citizens
  • Increased efficiency in responding to emergencies
  • Enhanced ability to perform complex tasks
  • Improved morale among firefighters

I am committed to working with you to make this happen. I believe that we can find a way to increase staffing and hire additional firefighters in a way that is fair to both firefighters and taxpayers.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to working with you to make Franklin a safer place to live, work, and raise a family.

Monday, August 14, 2023 8:42 PM

2023 Coalition For Common Sense Candidate Questionnaire

Coalition For Common Sense TN Candidate Questionnaire

Name As It Appears on the Ballot: BK Muvvala

Office being sought (community/title): Franklin, City, TN/Alderman at Large

Address: 510 Elk Hollow Ct Franklin TN 37069

Age (optional):                                                                                                                

Occupation: Entrepreneur and IT Software Program Manager

Education: Masters

Family: BK Muvvala is a dedicated family man with a vision for a brighter Franklin future based on Franklin City Citizens. As a happily married man, I cherish the unwavering support of my beautiful wife, Raji Muvvala, who excels as an IT QA Engineer at BMI. Together, we take pride in nurturing our two sons, each pursuing their dreams.

The elder son, Dr. Mohan Muvvala, stands as a testament to BK's commitment to education and entrepreneurship. As a doctor and entrepreneur, Dr. Mohan exemplifies the values instilled in him by his father.
The younger son, Madhav BK, currently in the tenth grade, aspires to become a doctor, inspired by the compassion and determination shown by his family.


Questions for candidates:

  • 1.)Have you previously run for or held a position in public office? If so, what position and in what community?

    BK Muvvala: Yes, I ran for office in 2019 & 2021 for At-large community of Franklin City, TN

    2.)Why did you decide to run for this position?

BK Muvvala is a passionate and dedicated leader who has a vision for the future of Franklin City. He wants to make Franklin City a more inclusive, clean, and prosperous community for everyone. He has experience in public service, business, and education, and He knows how to work with people from different backgrounds and perspectives

BK Muvvala is a successful entrepreneur, a compassionate leader, a dedicated servant, a candidate who has experience in running businesses, nonprofits, and volunteer organizations. BK Muvvala is the most eligible candidate that Franklin City deserve as a leader and a visionary who listens to the people, works for people’s best interests and is capable of bringing a positive difference in Franklin City community

BK Muvvala has a dream, a belief, and a big picture for Franklin inspired by Franklinites. He wants to serve, embrace, and uplift the Franklin community .BK wants to address the challenges of sewage, flooding, clean drinking water, preservation, sustainability growth, transportation, city staff benefits & remunerations and traffic congestion. BK will work with BOMA and state to offer incentives, tax breaks, relax zoning rules, engage big tech, clean and big businesses, and revitalize neighborhoods

I believe that I am a strong advocate for the envisioning of the conservative values of Franklin City. I believe in open-mindedness, truth seeking, problem solving, limited government, transparency, fiscal responsibility, and individual liberty. I am committed to working with the community to preserve our conservative values , make Franklin City a better place to live ,support not to increase taxes, act to bring in code decency for public events, protect children from exposure to adult content, strive to work on election integrity, work with the new builders/property developers to build  & support requisite city infrastructure, attract new clean businesses, support local and small businesses, work with city employees, and support to raise a great family. I am a passionate, willing to compromise and dedicated leader who has a vision for the future of Franklin City, listen actively and be respectful. I will strive to make Franklin City a more inclusive, clean, and prosperous community for everyone. I have experience in public service, business, volunteering and education, and also have commitment to work with people from different backgrounds, officials, bureaucrats and people with wide different perspectives

What do you believe are the top three issues that need to be addressed in our community and why?

BK Muvvala:

1. Growth and Development: Franklin has experienced significant growth, which brings challenges related to infrastructure, housing affordability, and preserving local character.

Proposed Solutions: I favor development policies that ensure sustainable growth while protecting property rights. I also advocate for minimal regulatory burdens on businesses and developments to encourage economic prosperity, balanced with the preservation of Franklin's historic character.

2. Taxes and Budgeting:  As with many locales, the fiscal health of the local government, tax rates, and how taxpayer money is spent are perennial concerns.

Proposed Solutions: I favor efficient government spending, reducing waste, and avoiding tax hikes. I will advocate for periodic reviews of municipal expenses to ensure that taxpayer money is being used wisely and for essential services.

3. Public Safety and Law Enforcement: Ensuring that residents feel safe and that law enforcement is supported can be a priority.

Proposed Solutions: I support strong backing for police departments, with an emphasis on community policing, good training, and ensuring departments have the resources they need. I also emphasize policies that deter crime and support victims.

Please list community organizations that you are involved with, how long with each, and your role in those organizations.

How do you feel about the way local government has served the community and what would you want to see changed?

BK Muvvala: I emphasize transparency, accountability, and limited government intervention.

Appointment of city officials : When it comes to the appointment of city officials: I will be concerned if the appointments are made without transparency, based on political favoritism, or without adequate consideration of qualifications and merit. I could also be worried if certain groups or perspectives are being systematically excluded from city leadership roles.  Role of the BOMA: In many cities, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen (or its equivalent) plays a role in approving or recommending appointments. The extent of this involvement can vary based on local ordinances and traditions. I advocate for a system that ensures checks and balances, meaning that one entity or individual does not hold too much power in the appointment process. If the BOMA provides a check on mayoral appointments, I view this as a way to ensure greater accountability.

Government Spending: Excessive government spending, which I see as wasteful and detrimental to economic growth. Unnecessary projects or programs driving up costs.

Debt and Deficits: Accumulating high levels of government debt and budget deficits, I believe these can lead to long-term economic instability and reduced fiscal flexibility.

Pension Obligations: City has pension plans for public employees, sustainability and financial stability of these plans, especially if they are underfunded.

Transparency and Accountability: Concerns might also center around transparency in budgeting and spending decisions. I advocate for open and accountable government practices to ensure taxpayer dollars are being used efficiently.

Proposed Resolutions:

Fiscal Restraint: Implement measures to control spending, such as conducting regular audits of government programs, eliminating redundant services, and instituting cost-saving practices across various departments.

Tax Reform: Reducing tax rates or introducing tax incentives for businesses to encourage investment and job creation, while still maintaining essential city services.

Debt Management: Develop a plan to manage existing debt, prioritize essential projects, and avoid taking on excessive new debt. This might involve refinancing existing debt to lower interest payments.

Pension Reform: Address any underfunded pension obligations by exploring pension reform options that ensure the long-term sustainability of pension plans while being fiscally responsible.

Transparency Measures: Enhance transparency in budgeting by providing easy access to financial information for residents, enabling them to understand how their tax dollars are being used.

Business-Friendly Policies: Work on creating a business-friendly environment through streamlined regulations, reduced bureaucracy, and collaboration with local businesses to foster economic growth.

How do you feel about the current quality of life within our community and what are your priorities to continuously improve it?

BK Muvvala: I believe that the quality of life in Franklin City, TN is very good. We have a safe community, excellent schools, and a thriving economy. However, there is always room for improvement. Here are some of my priorities to continuously improve the quality of life in Franklin City:

Invest in infrastructure: We need to invest in our roads, bridges, and public transportation system to keep our community moving.

Support small businesses: We need to create an environment that is friendly to small businesses so that they can thrive and create jobs.

Expand access to affordable housing: We need to make sure that everyone in our community has access to safe and affordable housing.

Protect our environment: We need to take steps to protect our air, water, and land for future generations.

Support our arts and culture community: We need to support our arts and culture community because it makes our community a more vibrant and attractive place to live.

Encourage civic engagement: We need to encourage civic engagement so that everyone has a voice in shaping our community.

Support & work with city employees: Fair compensation, adequate staffing, access to quality healthcare, work-life balance and respectful workplace

I believe that these priorities will make Franklin City an even better place to live, work, and raise a family. I am committed to working with the community to make these priorities a reality.

In addition to these priorities, I am also committed to listening to the concerns of the community and working to address them. I believe that the best way to improve the quality of life in Franklin City is to work together.

I would be honored to have your support in the upcoming election. I believe that I would be a strong advocate for the people of Franklin City, and I would work tirelessly to make our community even better.

Please state your position on conservation, parks, and historic preservation within the community.

BK Muvvala: Sure, here is my position on conservation, parks, and historic preservation within the community:

Conservation: I believe that it is important to conserve our natural resources for future generations. I would work to protect our forests, rivers, and wildlife. I would also work to promote sustainable development and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

Parks: I believe that parks are essential for our physical and mental health. I would work to improve our parks and recreation facilities so that everyone has access to them. I would also work to create new parks and open spaces in our community.

Historic preservation: I believe that it is important to preserve our historic landmarks and buildings. These places tell the story of our community and its people. I would work to protect our historic resources and make them accessible to the public.

I believe that these are just some of the ways that we can make Franklin City a more sustainable and livable community. I am committed to working with the community to address these issues and to make our community a better place for everyone.

In addition to these specific issues, I would also focus on:

Promoting environmental education: I would work to promote environmental education in our schools and community so that everyone understands the importance of conservation.

Encouraging public participation: I would encourage public participation in conservation efforts so that everyone feels invested in protecting our natural resources.

Collaborating with other organizations: I would collaborate with other organizations, such as the Nature Conservancy and the Sierra Club, to advocate for conservation and environmental protection.

I believe that by working together, we can make Franklin City a leader in conservation and environmental protection.

I would be honored to have your support in the upcoming election. I believe that I would be a strong advocate for the environment and would work tirelessly to make our community a more sustainable and livable place.

Should you be elected/re-elected, please state your position on who within the community you will represent as part of your elected responsibilities.

BK Muvvala: Sure, my response to the above: If I am elected I will represent all of the people of Franklin City, I will work to ensure that everyone has a voice in shaping our community and that everyone's needs are met.

Children and families: I believe that the best way to help children and families is to promote economic opportunity. I would work to create a business-friendly environment and make sure that our businesses have the resources they need to succeed. This will create jobs and opportunities for families, and it will also help to reduce poverty.

Senior citizens: I believe that senior citizens have earned our respect and deserve our support. I would work to make sure that our senior citizens have access to affordable healthcare, housing, and transportation. I would also work to protect their Social Security and Medicare benefits.

People with disabilities: I believe that people with disabilities should have the same opportunities as everyone else. I would work to make our community more accessible to people with disabilities and to make sure that they have access to the services they need.

Low-income residents: I believe that everyone deserves a chance to succeed, regardless of their income. I would work to create affordable housing and make sure that everyone has access to quality jobs. I would also work to reduce the cost of living in our community.

Veterans: I believe that veterans have made a great sacrifice for our country, and they deserve our support. I would work to make sure that our veterans have access to the healthcare, housing, and education they need. I would also work to honor their service.

Businesses: I believe that businesses are the engine of our economy, and they create jobs and opportunities for our community. I would work to create a business-friendly environment and make sure that our businesses have the resources they need to succeed.

Arts and culture community: I believe that the arts and culture community make our community a more vibrant and attractive place to live. I would work to support our arts and culture community by providing funding and resources.

Environmental community: I believe that we have a responsibility to protect our environment for future generations. I would work to reduce pollution and conserve our natural resources.

I believe that these are just some of the ways that we can make Franklin City a better place for everyone. I am committed to working with the community to address these issues and to make our community a better place for everyone.

I would be honored to have your support in the upcoming election. I believe that I would be a strong advocate for the conservative values of Franklin City and would work tirelessly to make our community a better place.

Please state your position on the state of our community’s public school system, tax base, and any other topical priority and what you would do about each.

BK Muvvala: School board or system doesn’t come under Franklin City, BOMA; sure, here is my position on the state of our community’s public school system, tax base, and any other topical priority and what I would do about each:

Public school system: I believe that our public school system is the foundation of our community. It is responsible for educating our children and preparing them for the future. I believe that we need to invest in our public schools and make sure that they have the resources they need to succeed.

I would work to: * Increase funding for our public schools. * Support parental choice in education. * Hold schools accountable for their performance. * Promote school choice and charter schools.

Tax base: I believe that a strong tax base is essential for a healthy community. It provides the resources that we need to fund our schools, infrastructure, and other essential services. I believe that we need to keep taxes low and encourage businesses to locate in our community.

I would work to: * Reduce taxes for businesses and individuals. * Create a business-friendly environment. * Attract new businesses to our community.

Other topical priorities: I believe that we also need to address other important issues, such as:

Crime: I would work to keep our community safe by supporting our law enforcement officers and investing in crime prevention programs.

Infrastructure: I would work to improve our roads, bridges, and other infrastructure.

Economic development: I would work to create jobs and opportunities for our residents.

Healthcare: I would work to make sure that everyone has access to quality healthcare.

Environmental protection: I would work to protect our environment for future generations.

I believe that by addressing these issues, we can make Franklin City a better place to live, work, and raise a family. I am committed to working with the community to address these issues and to make our community a better place for everyone.

I would be honored to have your support in the upcoming election. I believe that I would be a strong advocate for the conservative values of Franklin City and would work tirelessly to make our community a better place.


How do you believe the local government should appropriately manage growth in the area?

BK Muvvala: Sure, here is my answer to your question on how the local government of the city of Franklin, TN should appropriately manage growth in the area:

I believe that the local government should manage growth in a way that is both sustainable and beneficial to the community. This means balancing the need for economic growth with the need to protect our environment and our quality of life.

Here are some specific things that the local government can do to manage growth:

Encourage smart growth: Smart growth is development that is planned and managed in a way that minimizes environmental impact and maximizes community benefits. The local government can encourage smart growth by zoning for mixed-use development, investing in public transportation, and promoting walk able and biking neighborhoods.

Protect our natural resources: The local government should take steps to protect our natural resources, such as our water supply, our air quality, and our green spaces. This can be done by regulating development, enforcing environmental laws, and investing in conservation efforts.

Invest in infrastructure with support of new development companies: The local government needs to invest in infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and water treatment plants, to accommodate growth by mandating new community developers. This will help to ensure that our community can continue to function smoothly as it grows.

Listen to the community: The local government should listen to the concerns of the community and work with them to develop a growth plan that everyone can support. This can be done by holding public meetings, conducting surveys, and creating an advisory board.

I believe that by taking these steps, the local government can manage growth in a way that is both sustainable and beneficial to the community. I am committed to working with the community to develop a growth plan that everyone can support.

I would be honored to have your support in the upcoming election. I believe that I would be a strong advocate for the conservative values of Franklin City and would work tirelessly to make our community a better place.

Please describe your position on common sense government.

BK Muvvala: Sure, here is my position on common sense government in my approach:

I believe that common sense government is about keeping government small, efficient, and accountable to the people. It is about using taxpayer money wisely and providing essential services without unnecessary bureaucracy.

Here are some specific things that I believe are important for common sense government:

Limited government: I believe that government should be limited to its essential functions, such as providing for national defense, enforcing the law, and protecting individual rights. I am opposed to government overreach and believe that we should reduce the size and scope of government.

Fiscal responsibility: I believe that government should be fiscally responsible and live within its means. I am opposed to deficit spending and believe that we should balance the budget.

Accountability: I believe that government should be accountable to the people. I support term limits for elected officials and believe that we should make it easier for citizens to recall elected officials who are not doing their jobs.

Transparency: I believe that government should be transparent and open to the public. I support open records laws and believe that we should make it easier for citizens to access government information.

I believe that by following these principles, we can create a government that is both effective and efficient. I am committed to working with the community to create a government that is accountable to the people and serves their interests.

I would be honored to have your support in the upcoming election. I believe that I would be a strong advocate for the conservative values of Franklin City and would work tirelessly to make our community a better place.

What makes you the best candidate for this position?

BK Muvvala: I believe that I am a strong advocate for the envisioning of the conservative values of Franklin City. I believe in open-mindedness, truth seeking, problem solving, limited government, transparency, fiscal responsibility, and individual liberty. I am committed to working with the community to preserve our conservative values , make Franklin City a better place to live ,support not to increase taxes, act to bring in code decency for public events, protect children from exposure to adult content, strive to work on election integrity, work with the new builders/property developers to build  & support requisite city infrastructure, attract new clean businesses, support local and small businesses, work with city employees, and support to raise a great family. I am a passionate, willing to compromise and dedicated leader who has a vision for the future of Franklin City, listen actively and be respectful. I will strive to make Franklin City a more inclusive, clean, and prosperous community for everyone. I have experience in public service, business, volunteering and education, and also have commitment to work with people from different backgrounds, officials, bureaucrats and people with wide different perspectives


Are you committed to the following:

Adhering to the U.S./TN Constitutions? Yes   

Civil discourse?           Yes     

Community involvement?       Yes     

Living the Golden Rule?          Yes     

Finding Common Ground?      Yes     

Pragmatic, reasonable government?     Yes     

Getting more residents to vote?            Yes     

All Americans have a right to life

liberty, & the pursuit of happiness?     Yes     

Please state anything else you believe the Coalition for Common Sense TN should know about your candidacy.

BK Muvvala:

I believe that I am the best candidate for the position of Alderman at Large in Franklin City, TN because I share the conservative values of the Coalition for Common Sense TN. I believe in limited government, fiscal responsibility, and individual liberty. I am committed to working with the community to preserve our conservative values and make Franklin City a better place to live, work, and raise a family.

Here are some specific things that I believe the Coalition for Common Sense TN should know about my candidacy:

I am a resident of Franklin City and have been actively involved in the community for more than a decade.

I am a business owner and understand the importance of a strong economy.

I am a fiscal conservative and believe in spending taxpayer money wisely.

I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and believe in individual liberty.

I am committed to preserving our conservative values and making Franklin City a better place to live, work, and raise a family.

I believe that I would be a strong advocate for the Coalition for Common Sense TN and would work tirelessly to advance our shared values. I would be honored to have your support in the upcoming election.


Thank you for your participation and please return by August 29 to the Coalition for Common Sense TN c/o Candidate Survey 1441 New Highway 96W suite 2 #140, Franklin, TN 37064. By completing this document, you authorize our organization to use any and all statements provided in the completion of this survey.


The Coalition for Common Sense TN PAC endorses candidates without regard to their political affiliation, who have expressed and demonstrated their commitment to common sense government. The PAC commits to continuing efforts to inform, educate, and enhance civil discourse in the quest to put community over politics and continuously improve the quality of life for all residents.


Monday, July 31, 2023 2:59 PM

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